Popular Services

Request new software to be installed on your USJ computer

Request access hub to USJ resources and applications

Request hardware for a new employee, computer refresh (replacement) or need for additional hardware.

IT Support for On-Campus Events, 2 weeks advance notice required

This service is for reporting printing, scanning, or copying issues.

This service is for reporting issues using or logging in to Blackboard.

Assistance with Reset / Unlock of your USJ Password.

Jenzabar Password Reset Request

Basic Service Ticket to report an issue.

Faculty who teach multiple sections of the same course in a semester can request to have their courses merged in Blackboard. This will allow the instructor to work in a single course without having to update multiple sections. Faculty will still need to manage multiple rosters in MyUSJ for submitting grades.

Report an issue with Blackboard enrollments (Faculty/Student)

Faculty and staff can use this form to request assistance with copying a previous course to a new section in Blackboard.

Support for Hardware Issues

Move Equipment to New Location - related to office move

Submit a request for courses setup in Blackboard to sync to ExamSoft.

Jenzabar Data Issue

Request institutional data for reports, self-studies and other projects.

Use this service to report a problem and request assistance with FortiClient VPN.

Report Suspicious Email

For submitting requests and ideas for larger scale projects.

Connecting to USJ Wireless

Unable to access the site or a particular database in the Library Research Databases.
Research Databases – Access articles in scholarly journals on various topics.

Guidance on connecting a TV, gaming device, or smart device to wifi at USJ.