Cannot see Old Course Information in Blackboard
Blackboard for Students
Old Course information is available on Blackboard. If a Student/Alum cannot see an Old Course, they need to contact their Instructor/Faculty as they have the ability to make that course "available" to students.
All courses 2.5 years old or newer are still in Blackboard. If a student does not see their course and it is from the past 5 semesters, the instructor has most likely made the course unavailable. The student should reach out to their instructor or department chair to request access to the course. These requests can be closed and answered with the following:
All courses from the past 2.5 years are still on Blackboard. If you do not see your course, your instructor may have made it unavailable. Please contact your instructor or department chair for access to the course. The IT Service Desk cannot make course content available without written permission from the instructor, chair or Dean.
Old Courses may have been made "not available" to students.