Computer Recommendations


The University of Saint Joseph offers several on-campus computers available for student use as well as best-effort support for personal devices brought on-campus.


Computer Recommendations

The University of Saint Joseph offers several on-campus computers available for student use as well as best-effort support for personal devices brought on-campus. For the best computing experience while here at the University of Saint Joseph, the Office of Information Technology recommends the following minimum specifications for personal machines:

PC Requirements

§  CPU = Intel® Core i5 or AMD equivalent x86 processor

§  RAM = highest recommended for the operating system or 4-8GB

§  Hard Drive = highest recommended for the operating system with 200-500 GB of free space.

§  Operating System = Most recently available version of Windows

Mac Requirements
  • CPU = Intel® Core i5
  • RAM = 4-8 GB
  • Hard Drive = 200-500GB free disk space
  • Operating System = most recent available
Warranty Information

Please be advised that the Office of Information Technology does not perform hardware repair on personal devices. As such, we strongly recommend selecting the longest retail and/or manufacturer warranty available when purchasing technology.



Article ID: 82106
Sun 6/30/19 9:33 PM
Mon 7/8/19 2:51 PM