Deleting Blackboard Collaborate Recordings (Faculty)


Follow the steps below to delete Blackboard Collaborate recordings that are no longer needed.


Blackboard (Faculty)


1. Log into Blackboard and enter a course. In the panel to the left, click Course Tools > Blackboard Collaborate Ultra in the course menu.

2. In the Collaborate window, click on the menu button located to the left to access the Recordings link. 

3. In the upper right corner of the recordings window, click on the drop-down arrow to select Recordings within a Range. Then use the calendars to narrow down from March 1, 2020 to now. 

4. When the list of recordings appears, click on the round button on the right to see your options: 

  • If you need to save a copy of the recording, click Download.
  • If you no longer need the recording, click Delete. 

Note: If you have a very large list of recordings and you don't need any of them, please submit a ticket containing a list of courses that contain recordings that you would like Blackboard to Bulk Delete for you. 


Deleting unused Blackboard Collaborate recordings will help reduce our overall storage quota and de-clutter your recordings list. 

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Article ID: 132740
Thu 4/22/21 11:57 AM
Tue 5/11/21 3:02 PM