Creating Discussion Board Threads (Students)


Do you need to start a Discussion Board thread for one of your classes but aren't sure how? Follow the steps below to create a thread of your own. 


Blackboard (Students)


  1. Log into Blackboard at using your USJ username and password.
  2. Select the arrow next to your name in the upper-right corner. In the menu, click on the course title located under the course tab.
  3. Once in the course, you should see a discussion tab on the left side of the page.
  4. Click the Discussions link.
  5. Click on the title of the forum you want to add a thread to.
  6. Click the Create Thread button.
  7. Enter the title of the message in the subject field.
  8. Enter conversation text in the message field.
  9. Include attachments if allowed and desired.
  10. Click submit.


Discussion Boards play a large role in many classes. Once you post a thread of your own, other students are able to read your thread and post replies.

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Article ID: 95814
Tue 1/14/20 12:37 PM
Tue 5/11/21 3:02 PM