Configuring Your Notifications from Blackboard


Blackboard’s Alerts and Notifications let students and instructors know whenever there is activity in a course. One form of notifications is the Notifications Dashboard, which is found in the Agenda button in your course menu. You can also receive email notifications when something new is posted in a course, when a student has submitted an assignment or similar. Students can receive notifications when you post items in the course or when something is due or overdue.

You can configure notifications for each of the courses or organizations in which you are enrolled. Please note that as an instructor, you can only edit your own notifications, not those of your students.

To configure your notifications, students and instructors follow the same steps.




1. From anywhere in Blackboard, click on your name in the upper right corner and go to Settings > Edit Notification Settings.

Drop down menu displaying Blackboard settings

2. Click on Edit General Settings to make edits across all of your courses and organizations. You can choose to receive individual notifications or a single daily email. Also, you can customize how soon you would like to receive reminders of due dates. Once you have made your changes, click Submit.

3. To edit the notifications you receive for a particular course or organization, click on the name of the course or organization. The yellow caution icon indicates that you have already changed the default settings for this course or organization.

Image of Edit Individual Course Settings Menu displaying course titles

4. In the window that opens, check or uncheck the types of notifications you would like to receive.

List of options for course notifications

You can receive notifications in three ways:

  • Dashboard – Alerts will appear on the Notifications Dashboard within your course (most often called the Agenda in your course menu).
  • Email – Receive individual or daily emails about updates in the course.
  • Mobile – If you use Blackboard’s instructor app, you can choose which items you would like to receive as a push notification from the app. Once you have made your selections, click Submit.

If you would prefer to make edits to these settings across all of your courses, go to Bulk Edit Notification Settings. Select a role (e.g. “Courses I am teaching”) by clicking on the link. To select courses to edit, select a course name and click on the right arrow to move it to the Selected Items box (or click on Select All to choose all of your courses in this section).

Menu displaying courses to select on the left side and selected courses on the right side.

After you select your courses, choose the settings you would like to edit as noted above, then click Submit.


Course notifications can be customized using Blackboard's Alerts and Notifications for each of the courses or organizations in which you are enrolled. An instructor can only edit their own notifications, not their students. However, the process of configuring notifications is the same for instructors and students.

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Article ID: 96276
Wed 1/22/20 2:20 PM
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