Creating a new OnBase Account

Please follow the flowing steps to create a new OnBase Account.

  1. RDP onto USJ-Onbase
  2. Run OnBase Configuration (There’s a shortcut on the desktop)
  3. Login with Administrator account

    Figure 1.1

  4. Click Users > User Name & Password
  5. Type in the new username in the textbox and click Create (see figure 1.2)

    Figure 1.2
  6. On the User Settings window, type in the user’s First Name & Last Name. Under Authentication, type in a new password and check the “Required Password Change on Next Login” checkbox. (see figure 1.3). Click Save to continue.

    Figure 1.3

  7. You should see the new account is showing up under the User Names & Passwords window
  8. The next step is to assign the user to a proper group in OnBase. *Check with the Registrar Office before assigning users to User Groups
  9. Select the newly created account, and click the “User Groups” button on the right (see figure 1.4)

    Figure 1.4

  10. Under “Available User Groups”, select the appropriate Group and click “Add >>” (see figure 1.5)

    Figure 1.5

  11. Click Close then Close to exit OnBase


Article ID: 133614
Wed 6/9/21 10:33 AM
Fri 8/6/21 5:56 PM