Blackboard’s Portfolio tool allows you to collect and organize work you have completed over time, as a means to demonstrate achievement. Portfolios can be create for courses, programs or external use. Faculty may find it useful to create a Blackboard Portfolio to submit Promotion and Tenure or Non-Tenure Track Promotion materials.
This article outlines the steps for setting up a Blackboard Portfolio.
To access the Portfolios area in Blackboard, click on My Portfolio on the left side of the Blackboard homepage.

The My Portfolios page will open. Click on Create Portfolio near the top of the page.

On the Create Portfolio page, enter a title for your portfolio. Tenure-track faculty should include the year of the portfolio (e.g., Year 3) and the year you are submitting the portfolio.
After entering a title for your portfolio, click Select Portfolio Template.

Select the Faculty P&T template or Faculty NTT Template. Each template contains the outcomes and required components for your Promotion and Tenure or Non-Tenure Track promotion portfolio. Once you have selected a template, click Submit.

When you return to the Create Portfolio page, click Submit to open up your new portfolio. The first time you open the portfolio, you will have the option to take a tour of the portfolio structure or explore it on your own.
Once you open the portfolio, you’ll notice that it is divided into sections containing specific requirements and instructions for the portfolio. Begin reviewing the sections of the portfolio and make note of the requirements for each section. Important: Do not edit the names of the sections or the order in which they appear. You may add additional subsections if appropriate (e.g., for different types of teaching or service). To open a new section of the portfolio, click on one of the bold titles in the menu on the left side.

Once you have reviewed the requirements for each section, you will want to gather the materials you need to load into the portfolio. These artifacts can be any type of content you have created, including text, files, links or multimedia items. Please review the corresponding articles, Adding Content to your Blackboard Promotion Portfolio and Submitting Your Blackboard P&T or Non-Tenure Track Promotion Portfolio for further details on completing your portfolio submission.
This tool allows for the collection and organization of work completed over a period of time. For technical assistance with preparing the portfolio, contact the TLC. For specific questions about the Promotion and Tenure or Non-Tenure Track promotion process, contact your chair or dean.