If you have created your Promotion and Tenure or Non-Tenure Track Promotion Portfolio in Blackboard, you will submit it by sharing it to the corresponding Blackboard organization. Follow the steps below.
Note: before submitting your portfolio, be sure you have followed the steps to create your portfolio and add materials.
Blackboard (Faculty)
1. Log into Blackboard ( and click on My Portfolio on the left side of the homepage.

2. The My Portfolios window will appear. Locate your Portfolio and click on the More link.

3. Select Share from the drop-down menu.

4. In the Share Portfolios window, click on Share a Snapshot with and select Organizations.

5. On the Share with Organization window, type the following:
- Tenure Track: type in USJ_PromotionTenure_2223
- Non-Tenure Track: type in USJ_NTTPromotion_YourSchool_2223, replacing YourSchool with SASBE, SIHS or SOPPAS.

6. Click Submit to share your Portfolio.
Please note that when you share your Portfolio with an individual or organization, you are sharing a snapshot of that portfolio at the time you created it. If you make any edits after sharing the portfolio, you will need to submit a new snapshot following the steps above.
Blackboard Portfolios allow users to organize and share content easily from anywhere. Faculty may choose to submit their materials for promotion using Blackboard Portfolios. To share their materials with the committee, faculty submit their portfolios to a Blackboard organization that the committee will use to access the portfolio.
For help with submitting portfolios, please contact the TLC: For specific questions about the Promotion and Tenure or Non-Tenure Track process, contact your chair or dean.