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    Information on the upgrade to Blackboard Base Navigation (July 31, 2024).
    The Assignment tool within Blackboard allows instructors to collect assignment submissions from students. It also allows faculty to annotate and grade documents without ever leaving Blackboard, or download all assignments in a single step to grade offline.
    If you have created your Promotion and Tenure Portfolio in Blackboard, this article outlines the steps to submit it by sharing it to the Promotion and Tenure 2019-2020 Blackboard organization.
    How to add CAE tutors to Blackboard courses
    Blackboard’s Portfolio tool allows you to collect and organize work you have completed over time, as a means to demonstrate achievement.
    Once you have set up a Blackboard portfolio, you can add documents to it as evidence of your achievements. This article outlines the steps to add materials to your Blackboard portfolio.
    Echo360 course and account creation are now automatic. If you would like to set up an Echo360 account or course shell, you no longer need to submit a ticket – all you need to do is set up a link in Blackboard before the start of the semester.
    After you have developed a Blackboard course, it is possible to reuse the content from term to term by copying it into a
    new section of your course. The Course Copy function allows you to copy your content forward to a new section
    without carrying over enrollments and student work.
    How to access old (previously completed) courses in Blackboard.
    Instructions to use the Echo360 system to record lectures and load them directly into Blackboard courses (if desired.)
    An update to Microsoft Edge has enabled the ability to open Office files within a browser tab, but there is an issue with this functionality not working with files uploaded into Blackboard. This article will describe how to disable that new feature in Edge.
    Online resources for students at USJ
    In preparation for an upcoming upgrade to Blackboard, there is a hold on requests for new Blackboard organizations at this time.