User needs Echo360 account and software installed on their machine to record presentation content.
Windows or Mac computers.

Creating an Echo360 Course Link in Blackboard
Echo360 course and account creation are now automatic. If you would like to set up an Echo360 account or course shell, you no longer need to submit a ticket – all you need to do is set up a link in Blackboard before the start of the semester. The Echo360 course shell will have the ID as your Blackboard course shell.
Below are the steps to enable your Echo360 course shell in Blackboard. All instructor users, whether you are new or returning, follow the steps below. If you are new to using Echo360, you will also need to follow the steps in Part II to finalize your account setup.
Part I: Create Your Echo360 course link in Blackboard
You will only need to do this once per semester, for each course where you would like to use Echo360. If you co-teach a course with other instructors, only one instructor needs to set up the course link and others will automatically have instructor access.
- Log into Blackboard and access the course where you would like to add an Echo360 course link.

- In the course menu on the left, select Learning Materials or another section where you would like to place the Echo360 link.

- In the toolbar at the top, select Build Content, then Echo Cloud (the last item in the right column).

- In the window that opens, enter a name (e.g., Recorded Lectures), then click Submit in the lower right corner.
- Click on the link you just created. This will create your Echo360 course shell. You can now add videos to your course, or choose this class section when you record from Universal Capture.

Part II: Finalizing Your Echo360 Account (New Users Only)
If you are new to using Echo360, you will need to finalize your account creation by setting a password. This will allow you to log into Echo360 directly and use Universal Capture for classroom or personal recordings.
- Go to
- Enter your USJ email address and click Submit.
- In the next window, click on Click here to reset.

You will receive an email at your USJ email address with instructions to reset your password. Once you reset your password, you will be able to log in to or Echo360 Universal Capture directly.
Echo360 software is not installed on machines by default and requires an account be created, and software downloaded and installed manually.