Error message about quota size on Blackboard
USJ Faculty
Managing File Sizes in Blackboard
Why should I care about reducing file sizes?
Blackboard should not be considered an alternative to OneDrive - it is not meant to be a file storage system. Blackboard sets limits on the amount of space we have available, and charges significant fees if we exceed that storage space. By reducing the size of the files we post on Blackboard, we are able to accomplish several things:
Your course will move faster and take less time to load. Students with slow Internet connections may run into trouble if they need to download large video, audio or image files.
Your course is easier to copy and archive. If your course is full of large files, it can take several days to copy a course - or we may not be able to copy it at all.
USJ is able to keep more courses in the system. To manage storage space in the system, we often have to archive and remove older courses. If we need to access that content again, it may take several days to restore. If we keep our courses to a manageable size, we can keep several years of courses available on Blackboard.
How do I do it?

Overwrite, don’t delete
Deleting from a content area doesn’t actually remove a file from the course! Overwriting lets you replace a file with a newer version.
To overwrite a file in Blackboard, click on the drop-down next to a file name and select Overwrite File.
Upgrade your files
If you use the same files year after year, make sure your files are saved with the newest version of Microsoft Office. If your file is a .doc, save it as a .docx. For PowerPoints, make sure your .ppt is saved as a .pptx.
If your document or PowerPoint has images, be sure to compress them. Most students will only be viewing the images on a screen or a printout, so you don’t need a high-resolution copy. Here are the steps to compress images in a Microsoft Office document.
Use the Content Collection
The Content Collection holds all of the files that are posted in your Blackboard course. From here, you can check where files are posted in your course, delete unused or duplicate files or replace files with newer versions. Once you post something in the Content Collection you can link to it wherever you like in your course.
The Content Collection for your course is located in the Course Management panel in the lower left corner of the page. Click on Content Collection, then the ID for your course.
Read more about using the content collection in your course
When you access files in your Content Collection, you can tell whether they are linked somewhere in the course by accessing the 360° View. Click on the drop-down next to a file name, then select 360° View.
In the window that opens, scroll down to the Links section. If it says No links available, then the file is not linked anywhere in your course and is safe to delete.
Make Course Links

If you have already posted something in your course, you can create a Course Link to it to avoid having to post a file multiple times. To create a Course Link, go to Build Content > Course Link, then choose which item you would like to link in this section.
Put it in Echo360
You can use Echo360 to record narrated PowerPoints and link to them in your Blackboard course to save space. If you already have a narrated PowerPoint, you can save it as a video file and load it into Echo360.

Use this guide to create an Echo360 account and course link.
USJ computers have Echo360 Universal Capture, which can be used to record narrated PowerPoints or other video lectures. If you do not have Universal Capture on your computer, submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk for assistance. For more information about recording with Echo360 Universal Capture, visit this link.
Copying Your Course
When you are copying your Blackboard course, make sure that the middle option for Course Files (Copy links and copies of the content) is selected. This removes any extra, unlinked files and can reduce the overall size of your copies.

Limited space on blackboard courses