How to send encrypted email in Outlook (Full Client)


Occasionally, situations arise where emails being sent require the content be encrypted to protect potentially sensitive information from being read by anyone other than the intended recipients. Encrypting an email message converts readable plain text into scrambled cipher text rendering the content unreadable as it travels from origin to destination. So, if someone intercepts your email they can’t interpret the content. Only the recipient who has the private key that matches the public key used to encrypt the message can decipher the message for reading.


All students, faculty and staff


From within Outlook

1. Click New Email and compose your email

2. When done, click Encrypt Message from the Ribbon

3. You will receive the following message:

4. Un-check Do not show this message again and click, OK. Next, click Send. Message is sent to the specified recipient.

The recipient receives and opens the email as normal.


Situations requiring protection of sensitive information.

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Article ID: 120996
Mon 11/23/20 2:18 PM
Wed 6/21/23 3:11 PM