Merge Courses in Blackboard

What is it?

Faculty who teach multiple sections of the same course in a semester can request to have their courses merged in Blackboard. This will allow the instructor to work in a single course without having to update multiple sections. Faculty will still need to manage multiple rosters in MyUSJ for submitting grades.

Use this form to request a course merge in Blackboard. Please note that this process must be done prior to the start of the semester, before students have submitted any work.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

All faculty assigned to courses in Blackboard

Where Can I Get It?

Click the Request a Course Merge in Blackboard button to the right.

How Do I Use It?

By requesting a course merge in Blackboard, the TLC will combine multiple Blackboard shells into a single course. This will allow you to upload and manage a multi-section course from a single Blackboard shell.

How Much Does It Cost?

There are no associated fees with this service.

Request a Course Merge in Blackboard

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