Request to Link a Course to Echo360

What is it?

Echo360 is a lecture capture platform that allows faculty to record and share lectures with their students. Faculty can request an Echo360 course shell, which can be linked to their Blackboard course to allow for analytics and reports of student activity.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

USJ faculty and staff

Where Can I Get It?

Click on the Request to Link a Course to Echo360 button to the right to submit your request.

Software can be installed from Software Center following the directions located at Echo360 Install and Use

How Do I Use It?

Complete the form that opens with as much detail as possible.

You can use this form to request an Echo360 section for your course. You will need to request a new course section each semester, but you can copy video content from one shell to another.

How Much Does It Cost?

There are no associated fees with this service.

Request to Link a Course to Echo360

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