Managing your Barracuda Email Quarantine

To manage your USJ Email Quarantine log into with your USJ credentials to access the Management Portal.

Page Overview:


The message log tab shows all quarantined messages. Check the box next to each message & click one of the buttons to perform any of the actions below:


  • Allow list – this adds the senders email address to the database of safe senders.
  • Recategorize – this option categorizes messages to train the mail filter to recognize the patterns in the message.  Doing this does not allow or block the message specifically as these categories are managed administratively.  This option could prevent (or force) the type of message from getting flagged or blocked in the future based on the amount of feedback from USJ users.   USJ Network Services does not currently allow/block/quarantine messages based on these categories.
  • Export – this option exports the current list and details of all messages currently quarantined to a CSV (Excel spreadsheet) for reporting purposes. 
  • Deliver – This option delivers the message to your inbox without adding the sender to the Allow List. 

NOTE: The colored box (second from the left) shows a “quick view” status of a message.

Green = Delivered to Inbox

Yellow = Quarantined, delivered to Junk folder

Red = Blocked, can only be retrieved from the Quarantine management portal


Changing the Message Filter option will change the view to show different types of messages:

                This is a good place to check for blocked email messages or to search for messages that were delivered & cannot be found in Outlook. 



Settings –

The settings tab at the top of the page provides several options to tune your Barracuda mail experience.

Quarantine Nofitication – currently this is managed by USJ Network Services to cut down the amount of after-hours notifications sent to the community. 

  • From 6a-8p users will be instantly notified of quarantined messages as they arrive.  Outside of these hours no quarantine notifications will be delivered. 

Sender Policy – this allows you to add or block senders. This setting applies to your mailbox only, if you wish to allow/block senders at the institutional level, please submit a request via

  • To allow or block senders, enter the email address in the “Sender” field, choose the “Policy” (Allow, Block or Quarantine), add a comment/reason (not required) and click ADD.

Linked accounts – DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING ON THIS PAGE.  Doing so will disconnect your mailbox from your USJ account and everything in it can be lost permanently. 


Log Out – The log out tab will, as the name implies, log you out of your quarantine portal. 

Support – This page hosts several informational articles that detail the contents of this article.

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Article ID: 139237
Thu 4/21/22 9:22 AM
Thu 4/21/22 11:35 AM

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