What is it?
This service allows the user to request a Password Reset or Account Unlock for USJ network credentials.
Who is eligible to use it?
Staff, Faculty & Students
How do I use it?
Help yourself by registering to our self-service tool
In order to gain access to the new features, you will need to re-register with the system:
1. Visit http://myoffice.usj.edu/
2. Log in with your USJ username and password (click on Sign in)
3. Follow instructions in this article Password Reset Tool & Security and follow the instructions under "First Time Registration".
4. Use one or more of the three Authentication methods.
You must enter a phone number where login codes will be sent when you attempt a login. For most people, your mobile phone is the best choice as you will need access to it each time you login to a USJ system.
If you are still having issues, select Open Ticket button to the right to open a service ticket.
How much does it cost?
There are no associated fees with this service.