Remote Learning Resources for Students


Online resources for students at USJ


Resources for Students

How to Login to Blackboard and Access Your Course

Managing Your Course View

Find, View, and Submit Your Blackboard Assignments

Sending Emails from Blackboard

Replying to Discussion Board Threads

Creating Discussion Board Threads

Accessing & Participating in a Class on Blackboard Collaborate

Checklist for a good quality Microsoft Teams Meeting


  • In addition to these highlighted articles, you can use this site to locate many additional Knowledge Base articles on a broad range of IT topics at USJ.
  • 1.  Use the Search feature in the upper right of any page
  • 2. Check some of our common tags, or link to tags at the top of any Knowledge Base article.  This will bring up all articles related to that tag
  • a.  Blackboard
  • b.  Online
  • 3.  If you are still not able to locate an answer to your question, use the Services section to submit a request for help to the Service Desk




Article ID: 101164
Fri 3/13/20 12:20 PM
Tue 10/12/21 8:29 PM