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Services or Offerings?
This service is for reporting printing, scanning, or copying issues.

Jenzabar Data Issue

Report an issue with USJ Phones

Report an issue with Echo60

Report issue with EdConnect application

Report an issue with Blackboard enrollments (Faculty/Student)

Issues and requests related to Powerfaids software.

Use this service to report general issues with voicemail on your USJ phone. If you need your voicemail password reset because you cannot access it, please use the Voicemail Pin/Password Reset Request.

Having problems with Examplify?

Problems with Software?

Basic Service Ticket to report an issue.

Report an Issue with technology in classrooms, conference room, auditorium, seminar rooms, etc.

This service is for reporting issues using or logging in to Blackboard Collaborate.

Assistance or issues using the Ambassador Course Material Adoption Tool (BookAT)

Support for Hardware Issues